TSE code :3462

  1. HOME
  2. ESG
  3. Environmental Performance

Environmental Performance

Green Properties in Our Portfolio
Key Performance Indicator
Raise the ratio of properties acquired green certification (with three stars or more or equivalent to) to 70% by 2030.
Green certification (with three stars or more or equivalent to) refers to DBJ Green Building Certification (three stars or more) or BELS Certification (three stars or more), or CASBEE for Real Estate (B+ or higher)
The figure is calculated based on the floor area of our properties excluding land.

Environmental Certification
Number of Properties Floor Area (㎡) Certified Ratio
Green certification
(with three stars or more or equivalent to)
72 1,432,188.01 59.0%
Green certification 79 1,450,686.30 59.7%
DBJ Green Building Certification 70 1,395,634.04 57.4%
BELS Certification 33 672,574.92 27.7%
(※1) Total number of properties with environmental certification includes Musashiurawa Shopping Square which has received CASBEE for Real Estate Certifications.
(※2) Acquisition status as of today.
(※3) Calculated based on properties in the fund excluding land.
(※4) Calculated based on the floor area multiplied by the fund share of the property or on the floor area of exclusively owned space.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
Achieve 40% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per floor area (intensity) from our portfolio by 2030 compared with the 2016 level.
(Midium-term goal:34% reduction by 2025)

Actual results of our GHG emissions

  Unit FY2016
(Base Year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2030
(Target Year)
GHG Emissions(①) t-CO2 89,110 66,822 58,075 52,108 1
Scope 1 t-CO2 2,687 2,535 2,293 2,074 10
Scope 2 t-CO2 31,885 23,799 20,855 20,962 11
Scope 3 Category 13 (Fuel and electricity related to tenant management assets)※ t-CO2 54,538 40,487 34,928 29,072 12
GHG Emissions Intensity t-CO2/㎡ 0.0769 0.0552 0.0494 0.0462 2
Reduction Rate % - -28.3% -35.8% -40.0% -40.0% 3
Energy Consumption(②) Kl 37,926 35,299 30,925 30,110 4
Energy Consumption Intensity Kl/㎡ 0.0327 0.0291 0.0263 0.0267 5
Reduction Rate - -10.8% -19.5% -18.3% 6
①/② ※ - 2.35 1.89 1.88 1.73 7
Decline Rate % - -19.6% -20.2% -26.5% 8
This has been retroactively revised due to changes in the standards for properties subject to aggregation.
Scope 3 is subject to emissions derived from areas controlled by tenants.
Please refer to Basis for Calculating Environmental Performance Data for the calculation standards for various indicators.
Water Use
Achieve 10% reduction in water use per floor area (intensity) in our portfolio by 2030 compared with the 2016 levels

Actual results of our water use

  Unit FY2016
(Base Year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2030
(Target Year)
Water Use 777,209 787,760 549,879 514,974 1
Water Use Intensity ㎥/㎡ 0.665 0.644 0.464 0.452 2
Reduction Rate - -3.9% -30.3% -32.0% -10.0% 3
Waste Amount

Actual results of our water use

  Unit FY2016 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Waste Disposed Kg 5,825,674 6,652,676 5,065,665 4,913,502 1
Waste Amount Intensity Kg/㎡ 9.01 9.16 6.74 6.80 2
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