International Initiatives and Certifications
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative is an international network of investors working together to put six principles for responsible investment into practice. The principles, which were proposed for the financial sector in 2006 by the then UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, are promoted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
The principles call on investors to incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues into investment decision-making. By including those issues in the investment process, the goal is to improve long-term investment performance and further enhance fiduciary duty.
NREAM subscribes to the fundamental principles of the PRI and became a signatory in December 2017.

For more information, please refer to PRI website.
Support for TCFD Recommendations
In July 2020, NREAM expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) launched by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) for the purpose of discussing the disclosures of climate-related financial information and the responses by financial institutions, and also decided to participate in the TCFD Consortium which is a group of domestic companies that supports TCFD recommendations.

For more information, please refer to TCFD website.
Participation in Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
NREAM has joined Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) which is a network of various non-state actors such as companies, local governments, organizations and NGOs actively engaged in climate action.

For more information, please refer to JCI website.
Signatory to PFA21
NREAM has become a signatory to the Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21) in July 2019. PFA21 was established in October 2011 as a guideline for financial institutions seeking to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in shaping a sustainable society, with the Ministry of Environment taking on the role of secretariat.

For more information, please refer to PFA21 website.
NREAM Received Minister of the Environment Award from PFA21 in FY2019
NREAM received Minister of the Environment Award in the general category from PFA21 as the most excellent efforts in fiscal year 2019.
<Award Details>
The Most Excellent Efforts in Fiscal Year 2019,
Minister of the Environment Award in the General Category.
<NREAM’s Efforts Evaluated>
The certification and registration for an Environmental Management System (EMS)by the third party as the first J-REIT (EcoAction21)(※).
※For more information, please refer to “Certification and Registration for EcoAction 21 Program, Environmental Management System (EMS) in Japan” below thi
For more information, please refer to the selection results.

Participation in GRESB Membership
GRESB is an annual benchmarking assessment to measure ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) integration of real estate companies and funds, as well as the name of organization which runs the assessment. It was founded in 2009 by a group of major European pension funds who played leading roles in launching Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
GRESB Real Estate Assessment does not focus on individual properties, but rather on sustainability initiatives by real estate companies, REITs and private real estate funds.
Currently, over 150 investor members use the GRESB data for selecting investment destinations and holding dialogues with their portfolio companies, and in Japan, multiple institutions, including the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), use the GRESB assessment results.
In the 2023 GRESB Real Estate Assessment, a total of 2,084 listed and unlisted real estate companies and funds participated worldwide.
For more information, please refer to GRESB website.
Participation in GRESB Membership
Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd. (NREAM) has become a GRESB Real Estate/ COMPANY & FUND MEMBER to better fulfill its role as an asset manager in light of the growing importance of ESG issues in the investment management industry. Having become a part of the international GRESB initiative, NREAM will engage in networking and information sharing with external corporations that implement cutting-edge ESG activities while introducing best practices undertaken in Japan to its global peers. In this way, NREAM will strive to promote sustainability.

About “4 Stars” and “Green Star” in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment
NMF received a “4 Stars” in GRESB Rating, which is based on GRESB Overall Score and its quintile position relative to global participants. NMF also won a “Green Star” designation for the eighth consecutive year by achieving high performance both in “Management Component” that evaluates policies and organizational structure for ESG promotion, and “Performance Component” that assesses environmental performance and tenant engagement of properties owned.

About an “A” Rating under the GRESB Public Disclosure Level Evaluation Scheme
We received an “A” rating for the seventh consecutive year, the highest rating given under the five-grade GRESB Public Disclosure Level evaluation scheme introduced in 2017 or our proactive information disclosure practices in connection with environmental and sustainability initiatives.

Participate in CDP climate change program
NMF responded to a questionnaire from the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Climate Change Program, which evaluates efforts to disclose information on climate change. Furthermore, in the 2023 evaluation, we received a "B" score in the climate change field.

For more information, please refer to CDP website.
Certification and Registration for EcoAction 21 Program, Environmental Management System (EMS) in Japan
The EcoAction 21 Certification/Registration Program is the certification and registration system by a third party for business operators promoting environmental management based on "EcoAction 21 Guidelines" formulated by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment as part of its Environmental Management System. NMF became the first J-REIT to be certified and registered for “EcoAction 21” Program.

<Scope of Certification and Registration>
For more information, please refer to EcoAction 21 website (Available only in Japanese).
Reception of 2021 Climate Change Action Environment Minister’s Commendation
The Climate Change Action Environment Minister’s Commendation is a commendation presented by the Ministry of the Environment to individuals and organizations that have made outstanding achievements to addressing climate change.
The ministry launched the Environment Minister’s Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activities in 1998 as part of its global warming countermeasures, but in consideration of factors such as recent trends in climate change countermeasures in society, the commendation was updated in 2020 to the Climate Change Action Environment Minister’s Commendation.
The “Asset Management Company” has received the 2021 Climate Change Action Environment Minister’s Commendation (Dissemination/Promotion category), sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, in recognition of NMF’s ongoing efforts for mitigation” and “adaptation” in the area of climate change.